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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

**PLEASE NOTE: If you see us on your insurance directory, it has not been updated. **

 Although we no longer accept insurance, our services are eligible for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA/HRA) & Out-Of-Network reimbursement with some insurance plans.

We are happy to provide a ‘superbill’ that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Please contact your insurance company to verify if you have out-of-network coverage and what you can expect for reimbursement.

For out-of-network acupuncture reimbursement: Your insurance plan may dictate what conditions are reimbursed (for example they may reimburse for osteoarthritis but not rheumatoid arthritis, pain but not insomnia, etc.

In addition to health savings cards, we accept all major credit cards as well as checks.

We require a credit card/health savings card on file -payments are processed after each appointment.

One of our primary concerns here at Resilience & Hope is “fit”. Achieving your healthcare goals and creating the quality of life you seek requires considerable commitment, effort and investment. For this reason, we initially schedule a free 15-20 minute phone call. This call gives you an opportunity to learn about our approach to care and for you and your provider to decide if Resilience & Hope is a good fit for your needs.

If so, we will then schedule your initial appointment. If it is not a good fit for you, your provider will discuss other community-based options for you to consider.

You can sign up for a free informational call by sending
  • an email to
  • a confidential text to 603.440.5868
  • or call us at the office at 603.343.1623.

Resilience & Hope is an integrative practice specializing in assisting professionals who have traditionally felt particularly vulnerable to seeking help. Our mission is to help professionals build resilience for stress and times of adversity, while improving overall wellbeing.

Using a non-pathologizing perspective and providing support for “when life happens”,  we help promote emotional and physical health & wellness through Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Behavioral Health Medicine.

Our programs are specifically designed for those with high stress, high demand, high profile, high responsibility lives, whose work may (at times) interfere with keeping appointments. To assist with this, we offer extremely flexible scheduling, maintain a limited number of patients and have strict confidentiality & privacy procedures in place. Professionals include those who work in health care, veterinary medicine, the legal field, education, entertainment, media, government as well as behavioral health providers.

Our variety of programs and individualized patient treatment plans offer time limited, highly focused, integrative holistic care to help professionals achieve the quality of life they need, want, and deserve.





All of our programs are designed for professions with irregular hours or unexpected last minute demands.

Set up a free 15-20 minute informational phone call to discuss your particular needs.

You can sign up for a free informational call by sending
  • an email to
  • a confidential text to 603.440.5868
  • or call us at the office at 603.343.1623.

Do you offer reduced fee or would you accept single case agreements with my insurance company?

We offer a limited number of reduce fee appointments. Please email us at for more details.

We are happy to sign single case agreements with insurance companies. This is a great option for those who need the specialized support we provide, and get to use their in-network benefits. Please see the next section for details.

Your insurance company has the ability to offer a “single case agreement” with a provider who is “out of network”. Typically they will do this when the insured member needs specialized care. Resilience & Hope is considered a specialized provider for professionals including legal, medical, behavioral health, individuals in high profile, high stress positions. We frequently enter into single case agreements.

If you are interested in approaching your insurance company and asking for this arrangement, please explain to them how Resilience & Hope can help address your unique needs. Email us at for more details or to ask questions.

Please note, each insurance company makes its own decision. 

Feel free to contact us via email

We are happy to discuss your needs and how we might be able to help.

For more information send:
  • an email to
  • a confidential text to 603.440.5868
  • or call us at the office at 603.343.1623.


Right now, we provide online behavioral health medicine/psychotherapy services to individuals living in Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts.

Most major insurances provide coverage for online behavioral health medicine /psychotherapy (also known as telemental health, virtual visits, and telemedicine). Please call your insurance company and check your out-of-network behavioral health benefits for coverage.

No. We offer a free 15-20 minute phone consultation to help decide if online is a good fit for you. Some issues are better addressed by meeting face to face with a trained professional in your local area.


Acupuncture needles are very thin (the width of a human hair), smooth, flexible and solid. They are typically made of stainless steel or gold. 

Each person experiences acupuncture differently.  Acupuncture needles are inserted gently by a skilled practitioner and are nearly painless. When needles are inserted, most feel nothing at all, whereas some may feel a slight pinch or initial uncomfortable sensation which subsides after a few seconds. The overall treatment experience often leaves patients experiencing a peaceful, relaxed state during the session (many may even fall asleep) or feel energized and calm.. 

 After all the needles are in place, it is common to feel a sensation of heaviness, warmth, tingling, itching or dull ache at or around the insertion site. This is a sign of increased blood and energy flow and an indication that acupuncture is working.

Your comfort before, during and after the session is of utmost importance. Before your session, please feel free to express concerns and reservations as your treatment can be modified, including use of alternatives such as laser or Japanese style non-inserted contact needles. During treatment, please communicate any discomfort you might feel, as the needles can be manipulated or adjusted to ensure your comfort.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years and has helped millions of people get well and stay healthy. The U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) approved the use of acupuncture needles by licensed practitioners in 1996. 

Licensed acupuncturists follow strict safety guidelines and use only sterile, single use, nontoxic needles. When performed by a skilled, licensed practitioner, acupuncture is an extremely safe and effective, all-natural, drug free therapy that can help address a wide variety of common ailments and problems. 

Acupuncture can cause beneficial side effects: 

TCM/acupuncture is a holistic form of medicine that involves regulation of the underlying energy system; as such, several seemingly unrelated symptoms may improve or vanish. Additional side effects may include improved digestion, improved sleep, and overall sense of calm.

Modern-day acupuncture is no longer just about working with energy and Qi. Acupuncture works with many systems of the body including the nervous system, muscular system, and endocrine system. Although the exact mechanisms of action in TCM are still not specifically known, several studies have begun to describe biomedical effects at the molecular and cellular level. The World Health Organization (WHO) and National Institute of Health (NIH) acknowledge the large body of evidence of clinical studies that show the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture. 

Education and training programs are typically 4 years (3 years for accelerated programs) of Master’s (graduate level) study in an accredited school. Extensive education and training includes classroom and clinical experience as well as clinical internships. 

Some of the areas of study are: 

  • safe and effective patient care
  • diagnostic skills (TCM and western medicine)
  • selection of appropriate treatment protocol with the use of acupuncture
  • Chinese herbal medicine
  • lifestyle and nutritional counseling
  • integration of eastern and western medical techniques for the purpose of informing acupuncture practice, interprofessional communication and making medical referrals.

The Master’s of Acupuncture degree program also includes pre-med courses, with multiple semesters of anatomy and physiology, living anatomy, western pathophysiology and pharmacology. Additional science courses include biology, microbiology, and psychology.

The practice of acupuncture is currently regulated in 42 U.S. states. For licensure in NH, ME and MA practitioners are required to be board certified by NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. NCCAOM Board certification entails graduation from an accredited program, the successful completion and certification of written and practical exams for the Clean Needle Technique (CNT), and successful completion of three national board exams which includes Acupuncture theory and foundations, Acupuncture points/treatment prescriptions, and Biomedicine. 

There are over 65 acupuncture schools in the United States. The New England School of Acupuncture (NESA) is the oldest acupuncture program in the United States. It has been synonymous with excellence since 1974 and has remained in the top three acupuncture programs listed in The Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University is a leader in the industry of integrative healthcare education. The merge of these two elite schools means the creation of the next generation of healthcare professionals who embody integrative medicine. 

Dr. Kolgin was a proud member of the inaugural graduating class of the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA) at MCPHS University. 

Although we no longer accept insurance, our services are eligible for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA/HRA) & Out-Of-Network reimbursement with some insurance plans.

Your insurance policy may or may not include out-of-network benefits for acupuncture services. For those that do, carriers may dictate what conditions are covered or reimbursed ex. pain, while services for other conditions may not be covered. For more information, please call your insurance company and check your coverage benefits.

In addition to health savings cards, we accept all major credit cards as well as checks.

We require a credit card/health savings card on file -payments are processed after each appointment.

Every practitioner has their own style. I focus on a full, in-depth and multi-layered treatment approach. This means, I treat in stages. You can expect all treatments to be patient-centered and individualized. 

Acupuncture sessions typically involve discussion of your current state of health, symptoms and health goals. TCM is a holistic medicine. We treat the patient, not the symptoms. As such, numerous detail-specific questions will be asked about your whole health, not just about the area of your main complaint. A physical examination which includes taking an acugraph analysis of the bioelectricity of your meridians, looking at your tongue, and palpating your pulse, abdomen, and possibly along some of the meridians, is then performed. Gathering this comprehensive information enables me to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances of Qi that may have contributed to your current health status. 

I begin with a few needles to help you relax and feel comfortable, to see how you respond to needles and to begin to address the root of the imbalance. I will leave the initial needles on for 10-15 minutes. I then recheck abdomen and pulse for changes, adding needles based on the changes and to incorporate symptomatic points. 

In a treatment session, needles are typically retained from 10 minutes to 30 minutes for adults. For children, needles may be inserted and removed immediately or retained for 5, 10, or 15 minutes. 

Depending on your condition and diagnosis, I may end treatment either with a back treatment or use of adjunctive modalities such as cupping, gua sha, or moxibustion, or tuina. Patients are typically given home care instructions before leaving. Home care instructions will offer strategies for the integration of mind-body practices such as Qi Gong exercises, Chinese nutrition tips or recipes, deep-breathing exercises, mindfulness practice, meditation mantra or positive affirmation- all specifically tailored to your diagnosis/current health status.

Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing.

Clothing that easily allows for the sleeves and pantlegs to be rolled up above the elbows and knees help us easily access numerous points on the forearms and lower legs. Please refrain from wearing a sports bra as we may need to access your back and spine. Additionally, we palpate your abdomen during the physical exam thus shorts/pants and a top are preferable to dresses. You will be asked to remove socks and shoes for all treatment sessions, as several acupuncture points are located on the feet.  If you are coming from work or need to return to work after your session, you may prefer to quickly change into a t-shirt and shorts. 

Please avoid wearing excess jewelry and bracelets. You will be asked to remove your watch to accommodate pulse palpation throughout the treatment. 

We recommend that before your appointment you avoid brushing your tongue which provides diagnostic information about the tongue coating and refrain from having tea/coffee/chocolate drinks as they may alter the color.  

Please make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a light meal before your treatment session.  

We encourage patients to use the restroom before each treatment session.

Before treatment- Write down and bring any questions, concerns or important health information/changes and discuss these with your TCM practitioner. Inform all providers if you have appointments with multiple providers on the same day. Your TCM practitioner can adjust treatment accordingly. Wear loose clothing that allows easy access to your forearms, lower legs and feet, back and abdomen. Eat a light meal and drink plenty of water. Refrain from use of alcohol, drugs, caffeine. Continue with all prescription medications as prescribed by your physician. Use the restroom before each treatment session. Arrive on time and keep an open, receptive mind.

During treatment- Please ring the bell to let your TCM practitioner know if you feel any discomfort or need assistance. Turn off your phone. Take deep breaths. Clear your mind. Allow yourself to relax, take a nap and enjoy the experience.

After treatment- You can return to work or resume daily activities after a session, however, keep in mind that acupuncture can have a very calming effect and you may feel more relaxed than usual.  

Be gentle with your body and continue to hydrate for the remainder of the day. If possible, it is best to plan your day so that there are no strenuous activities lined up following treatment. This allows your body to remain in a restorative state, to process the treatment and maximize treatment effects.

Refrain from overexertion such as heavy exercise or intense sexual activity, and avoid the use of alcohol, drugs for at least 6 hours as these may interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. Continue with all prescription medications as prescribed by your physician.

Refrain from the use of ice (unless specifically instructed by your physician). Ice slows down the effects of acupuncture which is designed to get your Qi and blood circulating. Cold contracts and slows tis down. 

Between appointments- Pay attention to your body’s response to the treatment. Jot down changes or keep a mental note of additional benefits of acupuncture such as improved sleep, mood, digestion, stress response, etc. Follow through with the recommended home care instructions.

Please remember: We are a team. We each have an important role in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. True healing takes time, patience and commitment. Continue to have hope and don’t give up on your dream of a healthy self. Listen to your body’s cues, come as often as you need, follow through with home care instructions. These strategies will help your body improve its ability to heal, will boost your resilience and reach its highest potential for body, mind and spirit health and wellness.

We schedule the first appointment for 90 minutes. This allows us to review your full health history, perform a physical exam, explain our approach to comprehensive health care and provide you with the first treatment. The physical examination involves asking about current health status and symptoms, taking an acugraph analysis of the bioelectricity of your meridians, looking at your tongue, and palpating your pulse, abdomen, and possibly along some of the meridians. 

TCM is a holistic medicine. We treat the patient, not the symptoms. As such, numerous detail-specific questions will be asked about your whole health, not just about the area of your main complaint. Gathering this comprehensive information enables your practitioner to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances of Qi that may have contributed to your current health status. Your practitioner can then create and discuss with you, a well-structured treatment plan protocol and assist you with scheduling follow-up appointments. As acupuncture is not an instant fix, additional follow-up sessions are typically scheduled for all patients.

Follow up treatment sessions are typically scheduled for 60 minutes and begin with a brief discussion of progress, a review of your body’s response to the previous treatment and the current status of your symptoms. The acugraph analysis and physical exam of tongue, pulse and abdomen occur with every session. Patients typically spend more time on the treatment table relaxing with retained needles during follow-up sessions than during the initial intake and/or may receive additional adjunctive modalities such as moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, etc.

At Resilience and Hope, we practice evidence-based healthcare which includes respecting our patients’ values and preferences by having patients actively involved in the treatment process. We encourage questions, open communication, and follow through with home care instructions. 

During your first session, a full health history interview, physical exam and initial treatment are conducted. Once your practitioner has gathered enough information, we will be better able to determine your treatment plan and course of action. You will receive a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan that explains underlying imbalances, timeline of care, types of treatments as well as home care instructions and suggestions. The treatment plan is developed specifically to address your needs and goals. You can expect that we will revisit and revise the treatment plan according to your response and progress (typically, after 4-6 sessions). Once we have your symptoms managed and your health status is improving, we can discuss shifting to less frequent sessions or move to a maintenance or seasonal treatment plan. 

All patients respond differently to treatment. Different goals take varying amounts of time and treatment depends on age, overall health, chronicity (acute/chronic), and severity of condition. With patience, an open mind and commitment, you can achieve better vitality and reach your optimal level of health.

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