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Our Mission is to promote wellness through the lifespan, while building resilience for stress and times of adversity. Our specialty is provider wellness. We focus on resilience and wellness for people with high stress, high demand, high profile, high responsibility lives, who may feel a high vulnerability to seeking care e.g., medical and behavioral health care providers, educators, legal professionals, caregivers. We use a non-pathologizing perspective and provide “support for when life happens.”

Acupuncture is an effective form of comprehensive and holistic healthcare which activates and promotes the body’s own natural healing. Acupuncture enhances recuperative power, immunity, physical, emotional and mental health, well-being and helps improve overall functioning.

Behavioral health medicine is the integration of behavioral, psychosocial and biomedical science to understand illness, health and wellness. Behavioral techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Hypnosis, Heartmath® Biofeedback, Positive Psychology, Tapping, Relaxation,  Motivational Interviewing, etc. are used to treat medical and emotional concerns. 

At Resilience & Hope, lifestyle factors, life stressors thoughts and perceptions as they relate to various issues such as migraines, sleep disturbances, grief & loss, anxiety and other conditions are considered.

These services are available face to face or online via virtual sessions (telemedicine) using confidential, HIPAA secure tele-video software.

From the perspective of trauma professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic is a continuing traumatic event affecting all people worldwide. Those working in essential occupations/businesses continue to be especially impacted. Whether your staff are working in the office or are quarantining at home, acute stress symptoms are highly likely.

Addressing occupationally related traumatic stress requires specialized training, experience, and expertise -all focused on getting the workplace and providers/staff restored to pre-crises level of functioning. To do this quickly and effectively while enhancing resiliency, both organizationally and individually, the use of trauma-related techniques not found in traditional mental health approaches is required.

Unique to our program is the blend of auricular acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine along with workplace critical incident response (crisis intervention) and behavioral health medicine. Techniques used within the Restoring Resilience on Location© Program, focus on restoring regulation needed for emotional processing, augmenting existing coping skills and enhancing professional/occupational resilience. 

Group of young adults putting hands together in teamwork

Download our Restoring Resilience On Location© brochure for more detail...

Workplace Critical Incident Response (Crisis Response for the Workplace)

Supporting Resilience During Critical Incidents

Supporting Employees & Leadership During Critical Incidents/Sentinel Events

What is a critical incident? 

When a business experiences a major organizational change, traumatic event or disaster, it is called a critical incident.
A critical incident is any event whose impact disrupts the functioning or productivity of a business organization e.g., serious illness, accident or death of a student, teacher, employee, a robbery, layoff or natural disaster.
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