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Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Programs

Our Acupuncture and TCM programs have been specifically designed to address stress

and mitigate its impact on the mind, body and the aging process

Radiance & Renewal Program©  
Facial and Cosmetic Acupuncture

Do you want to look 3-10 years younger and improve your health from the inside out? Our Radiance & Renewal© facial rejuvenation program is geared toward reducing/mitigating the signs of aging on the face/neck. We use modern and traditional techniques to achieve better results.

The typical number of once-weekly treatment sessions is 10-12 for facial & cosmetic enhancement. Microneedling is scheduled once monthly for 4-6 sessions. 

Fees range from $544-$695.

PACKAGE PRICING: Ask about our package pricing for the recommended initial course of treatment.

*For further details click on the Radiance & Renewal title.

ReCenter & Rejuvenate Program©
Stress Reduction/Relaxation

Once or twice monthly

We also recommend this program for those who are already in good health and wish to maintain overall wellness.

These sessions focus on reducing stress and promoting relaxation. We also address some of the physical &  emotional symptoms that accompany stress and help reinforce recovery.

Fee- $179/session

*For further details click on the ReCenter & Rejuvenate title.

Recharge & Respond Program©
New/ New Again Parents Support

If you are a new or new again parent looking for acupuncture support sessions that focus on reducing overall stress, replenishing depletion/fatigue, and promoting overall wellness, this program is for you.

In addition, we teach you acupressure and acu-massage to use with your child. This can help you naturally address some of the physical/emotional symptoms your child may be experiencing. 

The typical number of treatment sessions is 6-12.

Fee- $135/session

*For further details click on the Recharge & Respond title.

Recuperate / Rebalance Program©
Enhance the body’s own ability to recuperate

The Recuperative/ Rebalance©  Program offers holistic care for somatic symptoms- for example, pain, arthritis, digestive issues, etc. Our focus is on helping your body to enhance its own ability to recuperate and gain or restore balance through traditional Chinese Medicine treatment modalities.

A course of treatment varies due to chronicity, severity, and complicating factors, if any. We will discuss the frequency of treatments with you at the initial session.   

Fee- $142/session

*For further details click on the Recuperate / Rebalance title.

Integrative Services

Integrative Services

Psychotherapy in Dover New Hampshire office
Acupuncture Dover New Hampshire
Release & Relax program©
Our most popular program

This is a truly unique program that offers a consecutive (back-to-back) combination of 2 appointments. You begin with a behavioral health consultation or psychotherapy session which is then directly followed by an acupuncture appointment. This combination enhances coping  & stress reduction strategies, promotes relaxation, and supports your emotional & physical well-being. Two (2) hour back-to-back appointment- $254

Ready to Reach©
Integrative approach to achieving your identified goal

We create customized packages to help you meet your goal. This multi-modal approach may include a variety of modalities/techniques such as CBT-psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Biofeedback-Heart math, TCM-acupuncture-auriculotherapy, etc. We can help you reach your identified goal, such as academics, test anxiety, healthy lifestyle/wellness, smoking cessation, etc. We will discuss the full treatment fee with you as it depends on the plan. The initial fee for consultation/evaluation and treatment plan development. 90 minutes $254.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an effective form of comprehensive and holistic healthcare.

Typically, we perform acupuncture by inserting thin, sterile, single-use, filiform needles, made of stainless steel or gold.  

Once the imbalance of Qi is detected, a diagnosis is made. We then carefully palpate acupuncture points and gently insert the needles. Furthermore, at times, we may then stimulate the needles  (manually or with a small, portable, electro-acupuncture machine) to obtain Qi.

You might experience heaviness, tingling, itchiness, a dull ache, numbness, or warmth at some insertion sites. These are all temporary sensations that either subside after a few seconds or with the removal of the needles. 

What do the acupuncture needles do?
Acupuncture needles:
  • activate the body’s Qi,
  • promote natural healing
  • enhance recuperative power and immunity
  • assist with relief of physical, emotional, and mental health symptoms
  • and improve overall functioning and well-being.



relieves or reduces short-term and long-term pain.


provides a calming and tranquilizing effect resulting in deep relaxation and/or sleep. This effect assists in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, addictions, mental health, and stress.


assists the internal state of the body to return to a natural balance. This involves the sympathetic, and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system and the endocrine system. 


enhances and helps modulate the immunity response.


assists with local circulation, tissue oxygenation, and cellular regeneration to promote the body’s self-healing.

How is a Diagnosis Determined in TCM?

We use several methods to evaluate patients and determine the TCM pattern /imbalance and direct the course of acupuncture treatment:


We treat the patient, not the symptoms. As such, we will ask numerous questions about your whole health, not just about your main complaint. This comprehensive information helps your practitioner effectively diagnose the patterns of imbalance that contribute to your current health. At follow-up appointments, we conduct a brief discussion of progress before treatment begins.  We discuss how you felt after the treatment, the status of symptoms, changes in stress/life events, sleep, diet, medications, etc. Only then do we proceed to do the treatment.


The tongue provides us with a map of the body. As such, it reflects the general health of your Zang Fu organs, meridians, and body fluids. Your practitioner will look at the color, shape, cracks, and coating of your tongue at each visit. Therefore, we recommend that before your appointment you avoid brushing your tongue and refrain from drinking tea/coffee/chocolate. 


Your practitioner will palpate the pulse on both wrists at the start and end of each session. We assess the rate, strength, and quality of multiple pulse positions. Hence, these pulse positions correspond to and reflect the status of specific meridians and Zang Fu organs. We may re-palpate your pulse multiple times to assess any changes or shifts during the session.

Abdominal Palpation

Abdominal observation and palpation is a diagnostic component of the Japanese acupuncture style (JAS). The palpation of your abdomen provides information about any possible root imbalances. Light palpation gauges the temperature, texture, and tension of your abdomen. During a subsequent firmer palpation your practitioner will inquire about any physical pain/ discomfort you might experience. Your practitioner may palpate your abdomen as part of the physical exam before treatment begins. In addition, your practitioner may palpate the abdomen during and at the end of the session to check for any changes. 

Meridian Palpation

Your practitioner may observe and palpate along the meridians. Generally, we gauge temperature, texture, blemishes, moles, discolorations, nodules, pain points, etc.


The evidence-based Acugraph is a modern technological tool based on the ancient medicinal practice of Japanese Ryodoraku acupuncture. Measuring the electrical skin resistance at specific points provides objective, diagnostic, real-time insight into your body’s energetic imbalances. Consequently, this supports the increased effectiveness of the acupuncture point prescription and helps gauge the progress of treatments.

For more information on the Acugraph:

Acupuncture Dover New Hampshire

Will it will hurt?

Acupuncture needles are very thin (the width of human hair), smooth, and flexible. They are inserted gently by a skilled practitioner and are nearly painless. Whereas some patients may feel a slight sensation when needles are inserted, most feel nothing at all. For the most part, these sensations may include a pinch or initially uncomfortable sensation which quickly subsides. 

Furthermore, at Resilience & Hope, we also offer preventative/ maintenance plans to boost resilience and preserve your improved health. 

Young woman stretching legs

Do I need to be in pain or have poor health to get acupuncture?

Acupuncture can be incorporated into any healthy lifestyle. It is an amazing way to help maintain or enhance overall health and wellness. 

For the most part, all of us face life’s daily stressors. TCM treatments build on a healthy immune system and mitigate the effects of stress. It can also give you a boost during seasonal or other transitional, chaotic times.

Treatment by acupuncture is cumulative and each treatment session builds on the other. This is somewhat similar to physical therapy and exercise, where your stamina and strength improve with repeated practice and over time.

True healing takes time and dedication. Depending on your current health status and symptoms, you may feel some relief right away, however, more typically, several treatments are needed.

A treatment plan specific to your health goals and needs will be developed and discussed following your first session.

TCM is a complete healthcare system of holistic wellness addressing mind, body, and spirit. It encompasses all aspects of healthcare, including the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of disease.

Acupuncture is one treatment modality used in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In addition to being very effective for addressing pain, acupuncture can assist with a wide range of symptoms and conditions. Acupuncture can act as an anti-inflammatory, soothe digestive issues, help regulate menstruation, ease menopausal symptoms, improve sleep, decrease anxiety and the effects of stress, etc. It can even help decrease the length and severity of the common cold or flu.

Every practitioner has their own style. 

At Resilience & Hope, we focus on a full, in-depth, and multi-layered treatment approach. This means treatment occurs in stages. You can expect all treatments to be patient-centered and individualized.

We begin with a few needles to help you relax, feel comfortable, and see how you respond to the needles.  The initial needles are on for 10-15 minutes. We may then recheck the abdomen and pulse for changes. Additional inserted needles are based on those changes and/or incorporate symptomatic points.

In a treatment session, needles are typically retained from 10 minutes to 30 minutes for adults. For children, needles may be inserted and removed immediately or retained for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

Depending on your condition and diagnosis, we may augment treatment with a back treatment or the use of adjunctive modalities. These modalities may include cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, or tuina.


We are a team. Patients are typically given home care instructions before leaving. Your practitioner tailors home care instructions to your diagnosis or current health status. Some strategies for the integration of mind-body practices may include:

  • Acupressure points
  • Qi Gong exercises
  • Chinese nutrition tips or recipes
  • deep-breathing exercises
  • mindfulness practice
  • meditation mantras, or positive affirmations, etc.

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.

Please wear clothing that easily allows for the sleeves and pantlegs to be rolled above the elbows and knees.  This helps us easily access numerous points on the forearms and lower legs. Please refrain from wearing a sports bra as we may need to access your back and spine.

Additionally, we palpate your abdomen during the physical exam thus shorts/pants and a top are preferable to dresses. We ask you to remove shoes and socks for all sessions because several acupuncture points are on the feet.  If you are coming from or going back to work you may prefer to change into a T-shirt and shorts.

Please avoid wearing excess jewelry and bracelets. We will ask you to remove your watch to accommodate pulse palpation throughout the treatment.

Additional Suggestions

We recommend that before your appointment you avoid brushing your tongue which provides diagnostic information about the tongue coating and refrain from having tea/coffee/chocolate drinks as they may alter the color. 

Please make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a light meal before your treatment session. 

We encourage patients to use the restroom before each treatment session.

Before Treatment

Write down and bring any questions, concerns, or important health information/changes and discuss these with your TCM practitioner. Inform all providers if you have appointments with multiple providers on the same day. Your TCM practitioner can adjust treatment accordingly. Wear loose clothing that allows easy access to your forearms, lower legs and feet, back, and abdomen. Eat a light meal and drink plenty of water. Refrain from the use of alcohol, drugs, and caffeine. Continue with all prescription medications as prescribed by your physician. Use the restroom before each treatment session. Arrive on time and keep an open, receptive mind.

During Treatment

We typically remain in the room with you. However, if we do step out, please ring if you need your practitioner to return. You may need to let your practitioner know if you feel any discomfort or need assistance. Turn off your phone. Take deep breaths. Clear your mind. Allow yourself to relax, take a nap and enjoy the experience.

After Treatment

You can return to work or resume daily activities after a session. However, keep in mind that acupuncture often has a calming effect and you may feel more relaxed than usual. 

Be gentle with your body and continue to hydrate for the remainder of the day. If possible, it is best to plan your day with no strenuous activities lined up following treatment. This allows your body to remain in a restorative state, process the treatment and maximize treatment effects.

Refrain from overexertion such as heavy exercise or intense sexual activity and avoid alcohol/ drugs for at least 6 hours. These may interfere with the treatment’s effectiveness. Continue with all prescription medications as prescribed by your physician.

Limit your use of ice (unless specifically instructed by your physician). Ice slows down the effects of acupuncture which is designed to get your Qi and blood circulating. Cold contracts and slows this down.

Between Appointments

Pay attention to your body’s response to the treatment. Jot down changes or keep a mental note of additional benefits such as improved sleep, mood, digestion, stress response, etc. Follow through with the recommended home care instructions.

Please remember: We are a team. We each have an important role in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. True healing takes time, patience, and commitment. Continue to have hope and don’t give up on your dream of a healthy self. Listen to your body’s cues, and come as often as you need. These strategies will help your body improve its ability to heal. Additionally, it will boost your resilience, and reach its highest potential for body, mind, and spirit health and wellness.

For more informationabout your role in treatment please see the pdf attached: Your role in Treatment- First-Visit-page 2

TCM is holistic medicine. We treat the patient, not the symptoms. As such, numerous detail-specific questions will be asked about your whole health, not just your main complaint. Gathering this comprehensive information enables your practitioner to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances contributing to your symptoms. Your practitioner will create a treatment plan protocol and discuss it with you. We will also assist you with scheduling follow-up appointments. As acupuncture is not an instant fix, additional follow-up sessions are typically scheduled for all patients.

Initial Session

We schedule the first appointment for 90 minutes. This allows us to review your full health history, perform a physical exam, and explain our approach to comprehensive health care. We also provide you with your first treatment. The physical examination involves asking about your current health status and symptoms, taking an acugraph analysis,  looking at your tongue, and palpating your pulse, abdomen, or meridians.

Follow-up Sessions

Follow-up treatment sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes. At the follow up we begin with a brief discussion of progress and review your body’s response to the previous treatment and your current symptoms. The acugraph analysis and physical exam of the tongue, pulse, and abdomen occur with every session. You will spend more time on the treatment table relaxing with retained needles during follow-up sessions.  Additionally, you may receive adjunctive modalities such as moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, etc.

At Resilience & Hope, we practice evidence-based healthcare. This entails respecting your values and preferences and having you actively involved in the treatment process. We encourage questions, open communication, and follow-through with home care instructions.

During your first session, a full health history interview, physical exam, and initial treatment are conducted. Once your practitioner has gathered enough information, we will be better able to determine your treatment plan and course of action. You will receive a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan that explains:

  • underlying imbalances
  • a projected timeline of care
  • types of treatments/modalities that will be used
  • home care instructions and lifestyle suggestions.

The treatment plan is developed specifically to address your needs and goals. We will revisit and revise the treatment plan according to your response and progress (typically, after 4-6 sessions).

Once your symptoms and health status are improving, we will discuss a shift in the frequency of sessions. Typically, we then spread sessions further apart or move you to a maintenance or seasonal treatment plan.

It is important to commit to the whole course of treatment as outlined in your individualized treatment plan. For more information about the steps of care and why please see attached pdfs:

3 reasons to commit to entire treatment plan_OneSheet-Steps-of-Care-2
All patients respond differently to treatment. Different goals take varying amounts of time and treatment depends on age, overall health, chronicity, and severity of your condition. With patience, an open mind, and commitment, you can achieve better vitality and reach your optimal level of health.
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